With the support of generous donors, we have already transformed dreams into reality at KIA Learning House. Today, we stand proud, having expanded our humble one-room schoolhouse into a modern three-classroom building.

As we set our sights on new dreams, we invite you to join us in making them come true. Together, we can empower our young scholars and foster a sustainable learning environment at KIA Learning House. Your donation to our GoFundMe campaign will play a vital role in bringing these aspirations to life. Let us continue this incredible journey together and create a brighter future for our students!

If you're curious about where your donation will be allocated, we have identified three key initiatives that are in need of your support.

Firstly, the establishment of a Rabbit House and staff training, valued at $1500, will provide our students with an additional source of protein through the popularity of rabbits in the Arusha area. This will not only improve their diet but also allow us to sell rabbit meat to the villagers, benefiting both our students and the community. 

Secondly, the Goat House project, including fencing and staff training, also valued at $1500, aims to enhance the productivity and protection of our goats. With plans to expand our goat population for milk production and yogurt-making, your contribution will contribute to creating a conducive environment for their growth and well-being. 

Lastly, our vision for a Library, requiring $1000, entails acquiring a diverse collection of books for the children and fostering community engagement. By involving other schools in collaborative learning projects, we can create valuable educational opportunities for all involved. Your support will significantly impact the lives of young Maasai children, enabling them to access nutritious food, expanded learning resources, and a nurturing environment for their overall development.
